
Runner beans (Phaseolus coccineus) are versatile, high-yielding vegetables that can thrive in organic gardens. With their vibrant flowers, nutritious pods, and vigorous growth, runner beans are a popular choice among gardeners.

In this blog post, we will explore the key aspects of growing runner beans organically, covering topics such as light requirements, soil preparation, pest and disease management, nutrient needs, staking and pruning techniques, as well as harvesting tips.

Light Requirements

Runner beans are sun-loving plants and require at least six to eight hours of direct sunlight daily. When choosing a site for your runner bean patch, select a location that receives ample sunlight to ensure healthy plant development and abundant yields.

Soil Requirements

Runner beans thrive in well-drained, fertile soil. Before planting, prepare the soil by removing weeds and incorporating organic matter such as compost or well-rotted manure. This will enhance the soil’s structure, moisture-holding capacity, and nutrient content. Aim for a slightly acidic to neutral soil pH between 6.0 and 7.0 for optimal growth.

Pest to Watch For

While runner beans are relatively resistant to pests, there are a few common culprits to watch out for:

  • Aphids: These tiny, sap-sucking insects can weaken plants and spread diseases. Use natural predators like ladybugs or spray a mixture of water and insecticidal soap to control aphid populations.

  • Slugs and Snails: These slimy creatures can munch on young runner bean seedlings. Protect your plants by using organic slug and snail control methods like diatomaceous earth, copper tape barriers, or beer traps.

  • Bean Beetles: Bean beetles can damage leaves and flowers. Regularly inspect your plants and handpick any beetles you find. Beneficial insects such as parasitic wasps can also help control these pests.

Diseases to Watch For

Preventing and managing diseases is crucial for successful organic runner bean cultivation. Here are two common diseases to be aware of:

  • Chocolate Spot: Caused by a fungal pathogen, chocolate spot manifests as dark spots on leaves and pods. To prevent its spread, ensure good air circulation, avoid overhead watering, and remove infected plant material. Organic copper-based fungicides can also be used as a last resort.

  • White Mold: Also known as Sclerotinia, white mold affects the stems, leaves, and pods of runner beans. To minimize its impact, provide adequate spacing between plants, promote good air circulation, and avoid excessive watering. Remove and destroy infected plant material promptly.

Nutrient Requirements

Runner beans have moderate nutrient requirements. Prioritize organic soil amendments such as compost, well-rotted manure, or organic fertilizers to provide a balanced supply of nutrients. Nitrogen is particularly important for leafy growth, so consider incorporating nitrogen-rich sources like alfalfa meal or fish emulsion.

Staking and Pruning

Runner beans are vigorous climbers that require sturdy support structures. Install trellises, stakes, or bamboo poles to provide vertical support. As the plants grow, gently train the vines to climb the support structure. Regularly remove any side shoots to encourage upward growth and better airflow, which helps prevent disease.


Runner beans are typically ready for harvest 60 to 90 days after sowing, depending on the variety. Harvest the pods when they are young, tender, and before the seeds inside become too large. Use scissors or pruners to carefully cut the pods from the plant to avoid damaging the vine. Regular harvesting promotes continuous pod production throughout the growing season.


Growing runner beans organically can be a rewarding experience for gardeners of all skill levels. By providing adequate sunlight, preparing fertile soil, managing pests and diseases organically, ensuring proper nutrient supply, and implementing staking and pruning techniques, you can maximize your runner bean harvest.

So, roll up your sleeves, embrace organic practices, and enjoy the abundant and delicious rewards that runner beans have to offer!