Growing Your Dinner
Food is important to every human being. Growing your dinner is a great way to lower your grocery budget. And, you will always have something fresh right at your doorstep! Start small and grow to as big of a garden as you have space and the desire for.
Be more green!
By growing your dinner, you can make sure no chemicals are used on your produce. In addition, you will almost certainly eat more fresh veggies, fruit and herbs if you are growing them yourself. As a result, you will have a healthier diet.
Your impact on the global environment is reduced when you grow a food garden. First, your food garden will provide a place for bees, butterflies and other pollinators. Second, it will help manage carbon by capturing it from the atmosphere and storing it in the plants and the soil. Third, it can increase your self sufficiency and reduce your demand on the global ecosystem. Finally, growing your dinner can increase your sustainability.
Be more you!
There is nothing more relaxing than puttering about in your garden, dirt on your hands and the sun on your face. Your design flair and creativity find a ready outlet in a garden. And journaling is never more fun than when reflecting on growing food in your own garden.
Check out this site to learn more about food security and how to create it by growing your dinner!
If you want more detailed advice for your garden adventure, check back here often for more growing information! And, if you like to watch gardening videos to learn, check out Gardening Chronicle for a great selection of curated gardening video content.